Lightweight silent quadrocopter with interference-proof communication channel and the ability to launch from a mobile vehicle

Effective range 3,5+ км
Endurance 30+ мин
Takeoff weight 3,6 кг
Габариты 540 x 540 x 190 мм

The new ZALA Z-24 quadcopter-type UAV features a compact folding design and is able to remain stealthy in the air due to its low acoustic and visual conspicuity.

It is controlled by a hand-held controller (HMC) and allows operation from a moving vehicle.

Key benefits

  • Accommodation of the complex in one secure case
  • Autonomous operation
  • Quick start - no more than 120 sec.
  • Working from a mobile vehicle
  • Application in a wide range of weather conditions
  • Target retention and tracking
  • Interference-protected redundant data link
  • Possibility to work with individual positioning devices (ZALA beacon)
Takeoff weight 3.6kg
Maximum payload weight 400 г
Dimensions 540 x 540 x 190 mm
Engine type Electric
Endurance 30+ min.
Range (video) 3.5+ km
Operational altitude 0 - 500 м
Ceiling 1 500 м
Speed range 0 - 30 km/h
Launch Automatic
Landing Automatic
Operating temperature range -30°C ... +40°C
Maximum wind speed 10 metres per second
Navigation ANN with SNA correction, radiodal gauge