ZALA AERO participates in the National Forest Forum

Representatives of ZALA AERO GROUP take part in the National Forest Forum, which is currently taking place in Perm. The forum discusses issues of forestry economics, urban forest improvement, and government-business interaction. The discussion is held in the format of a dialogue with the participation of top officials of the industry and the region.

At the forum, ZALA AERO specialists presented unmanned systems for surveying forest areas to detect illegal logging, fire monitoring, forest inventory, search for people, and aerial counting of animals.

Unmanned technologies are increasingly in demand by forest protection organisations because they offer a number of advantages over satellite imagery, such as speed, high resolution and clarity of images, independence from cloud cover, and the ability to take images at night.
In addition, ZALA UAVs are characterised by easy operation, resistance to unfavourable weather conditions and increased range of communication with the ground station.

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