Junarmeys visited ZALA AERO

An excursion to the closed production facility of our company was the main prize for the children who won the comic book contest "The Adventures of Little Drone".

Our experts tried to explain to the children in detail and clearly what drones are and what they are used for. The young soldiers saw how an aeroplane is born and what tests it undergoes before it starts flying.

The children were shown video clips about the practical application of unmanned systems - how a drone shoots and transmits video, photographs the Earth's surface, and how operators and ground services work with this data. The children asked questions and were keenly interested in the new topic.

The children were awarded diplomas and souvenir gifts for their participation and victory in the comics competition. The excursion ended with a tea party with sweet treats and discussion of plans for the future. It was very pleasant to talk to each other, we hope that we managed to interest the children and possibly help some of them to choose a profession.

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