Commencement of methane leak search operations at OOO NOVATEK-Yurkharovneftegaz facilities

ZALA AERO was recognised as the best in a competitive procurement for work to detect greenhouse gas emissions at OOO NOVATEK-Yurkharovneftegas facilities using unmanned aerial vehicles.

In order to identify greenhouse gas emissions and their emission, NOVATEK continuously records and analyses emissions and organises measures to minimise them. ZALA GAS unmanned aerial systems equipped with a device to search for leaks of greenhouse gases and other hazardous chemicals at the linear part of pipelines and production sites will be used for such purposes.

In addition to the search for greenhouse gas leaks, photo and video monitoring will be performed, followed by desktop processing of the results, generation of cards of detected deviations on the BVS route, photo plans based on flight results, and heat maps of detected leak locations. 

Fixation of leakage locations as well as all the data received will be transmitted to the ground control station and the Customer's workplaces in real time.

Leak detection technology with application of BWS is an effective means of collecting information on localisation of leaks at oil and gas fields, which allows to collect and transfer the obtained data to the workplaces of interested services of the Customer's company in a short time.

The project timeline is scheduled for the second half of 2022.

It is important to note that OOO NOVATEK is one of the first companies to apply greenhouse gas leak detection systems to inspect oil and gas infrastructure using unmanned aerial systems.

ZALA AERO has previously performed work using unmanned systems at NOVATEK-Yurkharovneftegaz facilities. In 2020, work was carried out on aerial laser scanning of the licence area, with subsequent construction of a digital terrain model with high reliability for subsequent comprehensive design and survey, surveying and cadastral works. The ready VLS data allows obtaining accurate data on the true terrain relief in areas with dense vegetation, as well as increasing the economic efficiency of engineering and geodetic works.

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