Crimean Federal University implements unmanned technologies

Crimean Federal University implements unmanned technologies

The Academy of Bioresources of the Crimean Federal University purchased ZALA 421-16E2 unmanned systems for aerial photography of agricultural lands. The package includes a multispectral camera, as well as a dual camera.

The Academy of Bioresources manages about 3,000 hectares of land where cereals, vineyards, olives and other crops are grown. With the help of ZALA drones, university employees plan to increase land yields, optimise costs for fertilisers and plant protection products, and identify areas in need of additional irrigation.

Using aerial photography data, specialists will create orthophotomaps of the area, build three-dimensional terrain models, and create vegetation index maps. This will allow them to assess the condition of soil and plants, obtain quantitative and qualitative indicators, and lay the foundation for adaptive farming and digital agriculture.

Powerful educational and production base of the educational institution, application of innovative technologies and their practice is the main condition for training of highly qualified specialists, who in the near future will have to solve complex problems of agricultural industry.

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