ZALA AERO took part in the exhibition "Risking Life for You!"

On 20 October, the National Museum named after K. Gerd opened an exhibition dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Russian Emergency Situations Ministry. An exhibition dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Russian Emergency Situations Ministry, "Risking our lives for you!" was opened at the K. Gerd National Museum.

The exposition presents installations of the largest emergency situations of rescuing people at fires and water bodies, acquaintance with the protective structure of civil defence and the latest equipment for detection and elimination of consequences of emergencies.

Major General Pyotr Fomin, Head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the Udmurt Republic, noted that the exhibition is dedicated to firefighters and rescuers, their feats in peacetime. 

ZALA AERO made a significant contribution to this exhibition, namely the exposition of the fire at the ammunition depots in the village of Pugachevo.

In 2011, unmanned aerial systems as part of the emergency response team broadcasted the situation over the territory of the ammunition depot to coordinate firefighting services. Thanks to the prompt transmission of aerial data to EMERCOM services, the fire was extinguished in a timely manner.

You can get acquainted with the latest developments for emergency response and the ZALA AERO complex from 21 October at the Kusebai Gerd National Museum. Kusebai Gerd National Museum.

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