Oil and gas companies choose ZALA technology

At the end of 2023, ZALA Group signed new long-term contracts for aerial monitoring by unmanned aircraft at oil and gas fields, including in sharply continental climates and low temperatures. The partners are implementing major oil production projects in the harsh conditions of the Far North and Siberia.

To develop hard-to-recover reserves, the company uses online monitoring systems, construction of wells of complex design, digital drilling and production management tools. Production and environmental safety is an important priority in the companies' activities.

Experience, hardware and software system, online video monitoring, real-time neural network algorithms, these and other technological solutions from ZALA will allow to achieve the set goals during the OGCF exploitation.

Under the terms of the contracts, ZALA flight units will conduct overflights of the field pipeline routes in 2024-2026.

The main purpose of air monitoring is to properly control the condition of the pipeline complex, the environmental safety of production facilities, and to reduce costs during field operation.

The use of BVS and software from ZALA opens up new opportunities for companies in the fuel and energy sector - the reduction of operating, environmental and personnel costs is beneficial for oil and gas companies.

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