"ZALA Lancet: precisely on target!" Happy New Year, home of the Lancet Izhevsk! Happy New Year to Astrakhan and Samara!

Izhevsk is not without reason considered the "Weapon Capital" of Russia, a city where outstanding engineers and designers work. The birth here of ZALA, which has become Russia's leader in the technological development of unmanned aircraft systems and its largest manufacturer, was another confirmation of this high status. Today ZALA directs all its energies to defending the interests of the state in the UAS zone. We, as well as the whole country, have no doubt that Victory will be ours! We wish our fellow countrymen and all compatriots that every day of the New Year 2025 brings harmony, happiness, hope and good luck to your home! Be healthy and happy!

We present the next video from the series "ZALA: Right on Target!". As a reminder, episodes of the Lancet barrage ammunition are appearing on the channel every hour while the New Year is coming to the regions of our big country!

Don't forget to subscribe to the official ZALA Telegram channelso you don't miss the next video, which will be published in exactly one hour!

Happy holidays!

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