ZALA UASs perform aerial monitoring of pipelines at oil production facilities in northern regions of Russia

ZALA helps to solve the issues of security and control at the infrastructure facilities of the country's largest oil producing companies. In 2025, ZALA unmanned aerial systems will perform aerial monitoring of oil production facilities in the Khanty-Mansiysk, Nenets and Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrugs, as well as in the Komi Republic. These are vast regions with a harsh climate, where natural resources are extracted in hard-to-reach areas. In such conditions, the use of ZALA technologies is recognised as the most effective solution for tracking the condition of linear facilities and the customer's transport infrastructure.

Aerial monitoring of pipelines is carried out using the ZALA T-16 unmanned aerial system. HD video streaming from the aircraft allows the ground station operator to receive detailed video images in real time. High-resolution thermal imaging enables effective work in the dark or in low visibility conditions.

It is important to note that ZALA T-16 UASs are part of a single software loop under the control of ZALA 4Z1. The ZALA software, which uses artificial intelligence algorithms, allows automatic recording of incidents on orthophotos and videos from the flight. It also provides the customer not only with detailed reports on the day of the flight, but also with secure online access to video broadcasts from the aircraft and to the data archive.

In this way, customer representatives, regardless of their location, are able to respond to abnormal situations as quickly as possible.

It should be noted that the volume of works planned for 2025 on air monitoring of linear objects in the northern regions of Russia is more than 24 thousand kilometres.

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