Keeping up with the times: a drone with artificial intelligence

Keeping up with the times: a drone with artificial intelligence

Flight data processing is the most energy-consuming and time-consuming operation of unmanned aerial systems. In order to reduce data processing time, ZALA AERO has developed AIVI - intelligent software for object detection and recognition.

The AIVI system has no analogues in the world and is necessary where every second is valuable and can save more than one human life. Artificial intelligence processes the visual information of a video stream while performing a flight mission on board an unmanned aerial vehicle without transmitting data to a ground control station.

The technology is capable of detecting and recognising multiple static and moving objects by class and type in real time. Thanks to neural networks, AIVI continuously learns to recognise objects coming into the system.

Modular cameras, together with artificial intelligence, analyse the entire underlying surface beneath the aircraft. AIVI increases the monitoring area by 60 times per flight by capturing a comprehensive video image from multiple cameras simultaneously with a 360° viewing angle. The system is used in conjunction with existing primary target payloads, while significantly reducing data processing time and operator workload during mission execution.

The software's compatibility with existing platforms and operating systems, provides the authorised user with access to data, analyses and reports from anywhere in the world.

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